Source Code

word owned

being owned or pwnd by a phone typing programmable dictionary such as t9word or iTap

"Dude my phone totally word owned me today."
"I totally lost that chick, because my phone word owned me."

by DiBars February 3, 2009

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Word Thief

Some one who tries to lay claim to someone else word, phrase or lexicon.

Hey that person is a word thief, I made up that word already, have been using it for years!

by King Wiley August 9, 2008

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any word

they told meh to, so i did search up any word :P

ANY WORD....................

by DA HORNY GURL August 8, 2019

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any word...

Really, you had to be either an
A) Dumbass

to look this up

UB: "Type any word..."
Person types "any word..."

by bleach my eyes January 4, 2020

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Word Lottery

When a person (usually a woman and common with receptionists) won't shut the fuck up and have to speak just for the sake of speaking. The fact that they have nothing productive to say will not stop them. They have to talk like they just won the lottery - the word lottery that is. They will babble to themselves, make inaudible sounds, start stupid conversations that make no sense, ask questions that have no answers, use fake English accents etc... They spend words like they won't be on the planet tomorrow. You fantasize of killing yourself (or them) just to get some peace.

She just keeps on babbling like a complete moron. Did she just win the word lottery? Does she have to spend every fucking word she owns today? Will she just shut up and save something for another day?

by S. S. D. June 8, 2009

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big words

Words used uncommonly during conversations. Used primarily by people with broader vocabulary to convey precise meaning efficiently and sometime by people to seem correct and sound intelligent but backfires when arguing with someone that has the same if not broader vocabulary.

Equations get simplified whenever possible so should sentences.

Example #1

Nationalist: They have the temerity to question the morality of our society when all we've done is give asylum. Every person that refuses to assimilate should be declared persona non grata.

Some troll: Dude just say "Fucking ingrates, just leave we don't want you."

Example #2

Reasonable guy: This bitch was caught red handed and a lot of evidence shows that she is a liar. She's a proven fraud without a doubt.

Fanatic fanboy/gay: Your propensity to assume higher moral ground by deliberate ad hominem will not get you far.

Reasonable guy: What the fuck are you talking about? Her very character is at stake here. You don't get to lie and cheat others without people criticizing your character. And stop it with the big words you don't sound smart at all, you're just an idiot who can't accept that you've been lied to.

by CosmoCoralles February 22, 2017

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homemade word

Those words invented at home, and used in the family but don't have a meaning outside of the family or friendship group

Tom: Sorry I didn't understand that, what did you say?

David: Oh, sorry, it was a homemade word.

by Fox_In_The_Box June 24, 2013

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