Source Code

squad killer

A group of friends where the members hookup with multiple members of another squad

Wow did you hear katie hooked up with ryan and jake? Shes is such a squad killer

by Kaykay101 January 22, 2017

curfew squad

Name for police officers that arrive to a high school or college party to shut it down, and tell kids to go home. The curfew squad usually roams the streets looking for drunk teenagers walking in a neighborhood past curfew

"Curfew squad is here boys, lets bail!"

by Boi43 April 9, 2016

Odd Squad

1- a group of people that would not normally be together.
2- people who have an interesting choice in friends.
3- a dangerous combination of people who are some how ok with each other.

An odd squad of a tweek, a bear, an old man, and a colorful amazon just walked down the street talk'en a storm together.

There was an odd squad down at the pub involving a wasted bald millennial and a hardcore grandma with candy.

by Lv5 Bread September 3, 2018

gaffer squad

gaffer squad. the most miraculous group of friends ever. they are sooo bab๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿคž


by myoin July 23, 2021

gaffer squad

the most miraculous and sexiest group of friends. thats it. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hey did u guys see how amazing gaffer squad is?

by myoin July 23, 2021

M&M Squad

Gay People With A Shit Kink

Jimmathan :Im Part Of The M&M Squad

Ovaries:Eww Nasty Ass

by Theshitposterwhousedhisbrain August 20, 2023

Squad rule book

The code of ethics between a groups of people that classify them as a squad.

You can't use do that it is in the squad rule book.

by Shuggs July 6, 2017