A club where almost everybdy has seen almost everybody. You (non-noobling) can join yesterday and be remembered a week from now. Usually someone always posts on your topic, but even "populars" can be ignored some-times.
The people you must definitely meet are: Allie, Risse (or Cherry), Endive, Batman, Jessie, Taco, Amy, Liv, Charlotte, Summer, Georgia, Banana, Ella, Britt, Chanelle, and Grace.
TC Anthem:
"Vicky- The TC song" -on YouTube
The occasional n00b and OC invader drops in. Sometimesd we flee to Allie's back up club "Tcers", TC (twilight club) is almost always dead on mornings. If you do decide to join, don't be stereotipical about some of the "scene" dolls, spell horribly or try to "fit in". Sometimes I just hate these people, but I luff them 99.99% of the time.
Lynnzzy is never in her own club for whatever reason (Maybe she has a life othe and will someday kill us all. Just
N00b1: WH0 1S UR F@V0R1T3 TW1L1GHT CH@R@CT3R?
TCer1: What did you just say?
TCer2: I think she meant "What's your favorite twilight character?
TCer1: Most of us don't even like twilight :|
Noob1: WH@T?
stardoll- twilight club
18๐ 6๐
The Gay Porn Club is a exclusive club who makes gays pornos. This club consists of a bunch of people, and features LeafyIsHere and Dolan Dark. The club often watches gay porn together and strokes each other's dicks. Nobody knows how to get into this amazing club, but we can all dream.
"Omg did you see the Gay Porn Clubs new porno yet? I heard it was amazing and make everyone super wet!"
"The Gay Porn Club is amazing!"
10๐ 2๐
Someone who has been supremely fucked over and tries to get with someone but has a had time letting anyone in. So, they go back to kickin' it with their friends that are the same, or single.
Well, I guess if you're just gonna drop me like that after I poured my heart out to you, back to the broken hearts club, I go.
9๐ 3๐
A reality show similar to MTV's "The Real World"Which puts 7 "Bad Girls" into a house with cameras watching their every move.It airs on Oxygen Network.It is heavily bleeped because of the standards of Viacom.
I love that fat chick Tanisha on The Bad Girls Club
42๐ 19๐
Those with genital herpes. This is a reference to the fact that 1 in 4 people has genital herpes.
Joe: I went on a date with Karyn last night.
Mark: Dude, she's in the 1 in 4 club!
Joe: I won't be dating her again!
11๐ 3๐
Mwa Mwa Penguins(or club penguin bay bees) is a group of adult penguins who like to think they are babies who cry so much because they were spoilt as children and never grew up, every now and then some penguin comes and shakes some sense into them by shouting at and attacking them, the mwa mwa penguins then proceed to call the attacker a "meanie" then the pet shop owner comes and kicks them out of the pet shop for scaring away customers, then Everyone could actualy buy a puffle instead of bieng harrased by these gits, the only thing there good at is bieng stupid and bieng SO BLOOMING ANNOYING They were created by A youtuber named SpCpGirl51960.
club penguin baby:goo goo goo goo goo! penguin:SHUT UP *cocks gun* club penguin baby:goo-*gunshot*
40๐ 18๐
An association of paedophiles (kiddy fiddlers)
I'm a paid up member of our local masonic lodge, a scout master and I'm treasurer of our local "tufty club".
3๐ 20๐