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work card

A card that prove the bearer has permission to work

When New workers arrived, the workers would often have ti show the Boss a work card in order to get the job

by BSCJFer12 January 23, 2018

The Ab Card

To use the race “black” to your advantage to win every argument.

Stop using the Ab card

by Aoltyabx April 4, 2021

M card

A permit or pass combined with an image which allows the person you give it too to masturbate. In order for the M card to be valid, one must send an image with a caption or any other indication that the image you sent is indeed, “ok to nut to”

I sent my gf an M card with a picture of Ben Swole on May 4th. Nonetheless the nut is strong with this one

by OT14 May 5, 2021

shea card

major faggot gayyyyyyy boy

mark: wow that kid is really sucking a dick
ellise: ya hes a major shea card

by carsonj122 April 27, 2016

FW17 Cardistry Cards

The best cardistry cards.

I.M. GA says: Hey! I want to learn cardistry. Which cards can you recommend?
De.d. Mem: Hmm... Maybe you should try FW17 Cardistry Cards.

by KonbyrStang May 6, 2019

Activate my trap card

A quick way or the easy way out of an situation

Teacher: Can you answer this question tom
You : Sleeping*
Teacher: Wake up!!
You: Idk I choose to Activate my trap card

Your friend: *RISES FROM CHAIR*
He's been up all night studying

by The Mmmm effect July 26, 2014

Uno Reverse-Carded

When someone is rejected or friend zoned, they have been “uno reverse-carded.”

Person 1: Hey how was your day?
Person 2: It was awful, man. I got uno reverse-carded by Emily.

Person 1: Aw that sucks dude. You can come to my house for a Dr. Pepper.

by The Peanut Butter Falcon January 27, 2022