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dart lord

A person who is know to routinely smoke cigarettes

“Hey, you know that kid Harry Azzopardi?”
“Yeah he’s a bit of a dart lord”

by Oldmateyyyyyyyyyyyyy August 6, 2018

Bean Lord

A dude with a massive dong that is the definition of superiority. Bean Lord is a dude will do just about anything stupid. With his fast car and their looks, bean lord will pick up all the men.

DudesIsn’t Bean Lord so hot?”

Bean Lord 😏

by tvawesomeness December 10, 2021

Lords Blade Ciaran

Oh, that elegant knight of Lord Gywn and the only knight out the four knights that was a woman. She just wants you to give her Artorias’s soul just so she can give him his dearest respects. But wait, it’s confirmed in her last dialogue that she has the feels for the man of steel. Even Gough knows of this and possibly she didn’t get her chance with him. Such a sad moment for the poor woman, but holy hell doesn’t she pack a punch at close range when she is angry at you.

“My.... dear... Artorias....”-Lords Blade Ciaran

by ItzSavNotSave March 13, 2021

Jorja the gif lord and saviour

Jorja is the gif lord and saviour, always helping us, being kind and funny. If you make jorja angry u better be prepared for all the ERERI gifs. Conclusion: jorja is our saviour.


by Seren.edits yeahyeah April 1, 2021

Lord Codihuh

fucking amazing youtuber who is good at sex and stuff

"Lord Codihuh, lets have sex!"
"Ok bitch"

by sexmaster6969stuff April 9, 2018

Gimp Lord

A boy called Hari

Hari is such a gimp lord

by Gimplord1 October 30, 2020

Lord of Dark

You cannot defeat.

I am the Lord of Dark. You cannot defeat.

by PuncherOfTrees May 12, 2023