An action/person/moment of offensive and pointless stupidity.
An action/person/moment of inoffensive and purposeful information
Oh man, you’re such a Youtube.
- An action of offensive and pointless stupidity; an individual who acts with offensive and pointless stupidity; a moment of offensive and pointless stupidity (Def: 1)
- An action of inoffensive and purposeful intelligence; an individual who acts with inoffensive and purposeful intelligence; a moment of inoffensive and purposeful intelligence (Def:2)
(Depending on context its either a swear or a compliment; like calling someone 'Einstein')
-(Def: 1): A person who farts in a crowded elevator and screams "It was I" and laughs. The stench makes people sick. A person who starts to play TikTok on full volume without using headphones. This person is a Youtube.
- (Def: 2): A person stands back in a crowded elevator to let others in. They ask which floor you would like, and press the button for you. They invite you to view a genuinely funny meme they found that makes you laugh and brightens your day. This person is a Youtube.
A platform on which people post videos in two forms. Short form and long form.
Legitimoose posts the best content on Youtube.
An action of offensive and pointless stupidity;an individual who acts with offensive and pointless stupidity; a moment of offensive and pointless stupidity
Joe: Did you tube?
Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr: No i did not.
Youtube: Youtube, Youtube