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Machine Gun Kelly

The hottest man alive.

1:Hey do you know who Machine Gun Kelly is?
2: Yes! He is the hottest man alive

by Eggs djdkebbshshe e February 28, 2022

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

guns n roses

Survivors of the LA circuit formed from remnants of Hollywood rose and LA Guns (See where the name came from now?). Put out a few excellent and generally well-recieved studio albums between 1987 and 1993 ( I could be wrong on that one). Unlike most bands, they never hit a low, because they broke up a few years after they made it big. One of the few bands that never sucked.

Despite what axl may say chinese democracy is NOT GNR. Therefore, they never sucked. They broke up before they could suck.

by Gumba Gumba February 22, 2004

79๐Ÿ‘ 127๐Ÿ‘Ž

Idaho potato gun

The Idaho potato gun consists of the following. Eating a large can of chili con carne' then applying KY warming effects to your anus, and sticking a potato in your ass. The goal is to fart the potato farther than five feet. If this is not accomplished, then the "shooter" has to eat it. If it is accomplished, then the person who challenged the other person has to eat it.

Mike challenged Konrad to a Idaho potato gun contest to see who was going to by the beer for the nite. Konrad ate the chili and stuffed the potato up his ass and shot it seven feet. Mike had to eat the potato. Dude you suck, you shot it farther than five feet! You bastard !

by James Poe March 28, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Squirt Gun Fight

When there is an orgy happening and the guys ejaculate onto the girls.

Boys vs Girls, Squirt vs Cum

Boy yells: I finished them 3 left.

Squirt Gun fight.

by Cum Gunner April 13, 2021

Gun's Going Off

Used as an exclamation when a person with a penis is ejaculating. Comes from a comparison of a penis looking very much like a gun, and their cum acting like bullets being fired.

*person 1 and 2 are fucking*
Person 1- "Shit, I'm getting close"
Person 2- "Me too, baby"
Person 1- "Fuck, gun's going off (as they ejaculate)"

by Totally A Human June 27, 2022

Guns N' Roses

One of the most successful rock bands and for good reason. They're best pnown for their albums 'Appetite For Destruction', 'Use Your Illusion I' and 'Use Your Illusion II'

Unpopular Opinion, but 'Use Your Illusion II' is better than 'Use Your Illusion I' by Guns N' Roses.

by Eddie the Head November 3, 2022

water gun wedding

A wedding in haste purely for the virginal or the celibate who desire to fornicate in desperation.

They had a water gun wedding on their second date and divorced on their third.

by unknown anilatak February 4, 2010

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