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Anal Anonymity

The belief one can release flatulence without being heard or seen.

Billy was sure he had anal anonymity in the library when he let a festering air biscuit fly, however to his dismay his girlfriend had just rounded the corner and was caught in the blast. Billy's personals ad can now be found on craigslist.

by Zappafan76 January 27, 2011

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Anal Boxing

An internet video of a person repeatedly shoving his hands in another mans ass hole.

Dude that video Anal Boxing turned me on.

by mAGGLEY May 28, 2016

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Anal Beads

1.Great toy for children 3+.

2.Great toy for adults 18 -29

For Christmas I got Billy some anal beads for him and his kindergarten class

by Saucey69 August 18, 2017

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Anal teeth

When you have a relaxing poo... nearly finished, but you have to bite with your bumhole to snip that last bit of shit off

I was trying my best to complete the poo of the day, butt I should just chow down with my anal teeth to finish this shitoff

by Rrraaapp September 21, 2016

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anal hug

when someone gives another's hug and grabs their buttocks

when mitchel saw Lauren he gave her a anal hug

by mitchelconlonlikesmen November 29, 2015

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anal pendant

buttsex resulting in not enough ejaculate for a pearl necklace, but sufficient for a pooling of spaff between the clavicles

he was too close to running on empty to give her the pearl necklace she requested, but still ensured that he left his cornholee with an anal pendant as a consolation prize

by hot fur magnet December 8, 2009

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Anal Clacker

Anal Clacker - Is when your Girl friend grabs your testicles and squeezes as your explode in her anus like a Claymore.

Anal Clacker - A guy who is very anal about everything and sets people off around him like a trigger.

Anal Clacker - "I gave my Girlfriend the Anal Clacker last night, it left a massive mess.."

Anal Clacker - "That guy is a real Anal clacker causing trouble like that".

by Popularone666 November 21, 2010

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