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Short for buck naked.

Person 1 - God those old dudes at our gym will just go buck right in front of you. No shame at all.
Person 2 - Fucking nasty, bro.

by Hræzlyr May 28, 2019


Means ugly.

"Yo man, you see that ol bizzy up the cut, dat bish is buck." or " Buck look'n @$$"

by Mark1x September 16, 2017


Trynna act hard

Linda: "you play too damn much"
Pamela: "Who tf you gettin buck with??"

by Pam Parn November 20, 2016


buck means pussy

do I look buck to you right now

by maddieblixks December 21, 2022


Acting silly and about to catch a punch.

Homegirl try to get buck with me yesterday but she don't know who is messing with

by SugarCane June 28, 2015


fuck off, leave me alone
go on

I’m done speaking to you, buck

by youbigwordsaintworknorep October 28, 2019


A guy who has a lit dick fucks his life up by cheating n can't ever be happy.. multi personality gay n loves his lazy eye

Your Ex is such a buck

by Lil Foggy May 24, 2021