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Right-Wing Revolution

Something that this website has gone through.

The Right-Wing Revolution is real

Try searching any modern political figure (or anything related to them) and watch as you see all of the leftist definitions getting downvoted HARD.

Nobody knows exactly when this happened, but other websites are beginning to get it as well.

by Someone who kinda exists July 26, 2024

Wing Wong

wing wong = ella

Ella was acting like a "Wing Wong"

by J2Breezy January 19, 2023

Wing wong


The wing wong is ready for entercourse.

by much overweight April 19, 2019

Stingray Wings

A dirty set of hearty piss flaps that hang down like a limp.sting ray.
These monster flaps will need to be rolled and pegged before you can get your fair share of cunt punch.

Man... sheryl had a mad set of stingray wings. It took me 15 to roll em back and peg em before i got into some Cunt Punch.

by RhinoSlayer April 4, 2019

Wing Nut

See Australian politician, Daniel Andrews.

Hey Marg; Wing Nut is on the TV again. Do you want me to change the channel?

by AusUrbanCountry March 1, 2021

Wing nut

A free spirit

She was such a wing nut

by Dancing Dina July 30, 2018


A name for a male that after a series of unfortunate events has walked into a solid object making contact with his genitals and causing significant pain.

I seen William wing-nut himself while he was walking.

by Senior Pepe January 31, 2020