A white Male you is bi or possible gay you plays trumpet and only plays comcert rude and blasts high notes. Thinks he black and he wishes we was son Maynard Ferguson.
Person 1. Hi, nice weather.
Hunter. Sup my gay ni****.
in my experienc like from tiktok an shit its often used by transgenders cuz they thought it was "cool" but its so fucking cringe like i swear bro WHY
oh thats the "guy" who changed his name to hunter, cringe right.
oh look its the bitch whos name is Hunter,
Has a big dong and likes boobs.
I wish I was more like Hunter.
Hunter is a sweet boy and one heck of a flirter, he'll flirt with any girl but once he's found the one he only has eyes for her. When he's young he has a small penis but as he ages is gets bigger!
Anyone lucky enough to date or even be friends with a hunter is surely blessed
My boyfriend is like like a Hunter
I wish I was more like hunter
A. What's your name.
A. You must be the worlds sexiest man.
(They proccedingly kiss agressivley)