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Greedy jew

a person who wasnt gassed by adolf hitler and continued to make other greedy jews that smashed about how adolf hitler gassed their ancestors into everyones face, i cant forget to mention skyy, he is a very greed jew.

greedy jew: adolf hitler gassed my grandfather
me: whattttt

by wasfa23r3wrfds February 21, 2023

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Jew Liberal

A person that doesn't pay for anything in a group. Blames the system for all their self created problems. Takes advantage of others generosity.

Telling someone you bought their drinks when someone else really paid for it makes you a Jew Liberal

by Bambam6464 December 24, 2016

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Jew gun

The 'Jew gun' is a derogative nickname attributed to the antique 'Gewehr model 1888' bolt-action rifle produced in Germany in the late 1800s. Antisemitic newspapers blamed Jewish factory owners for the gun's initial defects and problems using smokeless gun powder (which was also believed to be the act of Jewish industrialists). The Gewehr M88 (or 'G.88') was referred to by the German press and segments of the public as the 'Jew gun'.

Ludwig Loewe and Company continue to produce the defective 'Jew Gun', betraying our troops and their ability to fight.

by Tiewaz May 21, 2017

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Web Jew

People who use the most ungodly combination of coupon codes, promotional codes, rewards programs, frequent shopper rewards, and mail-in rebates to get maximum amounts of free shit.

1: I just bought printer cartridges, through upromise to pay off my student loans, plus got reward points, plus got 20% off and free shipping.
2: Web Jew

by jn45 June 6, 2010

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Jew Mule

A large breed of human, dressing in ties and nice clothes, similar to the attire of Slender man. They tend to sneak up and scare people without meaning to and is sometimes a real asshole, but every girl that likes anime is somewhat attracted to his physical being. Jew Mules are rather sarcastic, cannot tell jokes, and tries to "serve" people but it always backfires. His name is Latin in origin, derived from the common misconception that he is Jewish and can only do hard manual labor for pay. He likes jokes and often refers to him/herself as an ass though it is an inaccurate reference. He hates country music and therefore you will never find his cousin, the Jew at a hoedown.

JEW MULE (girls come running)
The Jew mule: The ass happy
(girls giggle)

by xXreversedspellssamewayXx February 13, 2013

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party jew

A Jew that parties.

That party Jew smells.

by Thenightshade March 16, 2016

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sand jew

middle eastern fella

Osama Bin Laden was a sand jew

by blackguy1177 May 3, 2018

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