When on man ejaculate into another mans urethra
Last night me and Donny we’re wrastlin and we gave each other the old Alabama spit swap
When you and another man take a spoon to a river where no one can see you then you dig a hole and both take turns to shit in the hole. After all the shit is in the hole you then deepthroat each other until both of your mouths are full with sperm. You then put your hand in the hole and feed it to your friend.
Tom and Jerry did Alabama river spooning for pornhub.
When you get your d*ck and put marshmellows on it roast it then masterbate.
John was asked if he ever had an Alabama S'more but he never had the chance to
Also known as Bama Weld or Bama Bond
Ducting taping an object beyond necessity to the point of it being more duct tape than object.
Someone side swiped me, Had to Alabama weld my car mirror
When you secretly get married to your cousin.
"Man, did you hear? John Billy Bob Jones pulled an Alabama Sneaky."
When you squeeze your cousins balls so hard they momentarily stop breathing.
Cleetus dropped trow right there in the kitchen and I gave him an Alabama drum brake. There's still jizz on the ceiling.
pair of vise-grips, a hammer and a roll of duct tape
With an Alabama Tool Box you can fix damn near anything.