Source Code

post-vacation code

the mandatory waiting period to allow the vacationer to rest when they have come home.

the code implies that the vacationer is given at least a 1 day resting period before you bother them to go out.

we could ask taylor to come along but she just got back from san fransisco and we should stick to the post-vacation code.

by Kada1993 June 4, 2007

Post Chi Times

Post chi times refers to the era of existence taking place after the birth of Kymchi. All other moments of time preceding that are now known as “pre chi times” and are infamously known as the darkest times man kind has phased since the creation of orc females. Love live dat Kym dat Chi

1- Wow did you see Formalsan just global king anduin in SW?

2- I did it was insane. Post chi times for sure dude

by Sayaman January 18, 2023

Post Ingestion Depression

A depressed feeling after you have indulged in a delightful treat.

Post Ingestion Depression i.e. "I know I shouldn't have eaten that"

"Mmmm this tastes so good...a few minutes later...I'm fat why did i eat that."

by SummerGirlOO13 July 2, 2013

Post-cereal material

A shit done after breakfast.

Nelly had stomach cramps....she badly needed to get to the bowel bowl to release some post-cereal material.

by Zonal K September 28, 2019

Post My Boo

Dec.9th”Pop out with your Boyfriend/Girlfriend or Sneaky link and let the people know who you been boo’d up with.

“Today I will “ post my boo “ since this what y’all been waiting on”

by Goddess112 December 6, 2021

Post Shartum Depression

The feeling of sadness and depression a man or woman has after slightly shitting his or herself unintentionally.

John couldn't wait any longer. He knew he would suffer PSD (Post Shartum Depression) but the pain was too much to bare. So he shit himself.

by Master of Disguise February 24, 2012

Post-Gothic Christianity

Post-Gothic Christianity is a multicultural, all inclusive, especially considering Black Christian traditions in North America, philosophical construction of Christianity that is especially uniquely artistic and individual in scope. Occasionally artists who are Post-Gothic as Christians will include Post-Gothic Christianity as part of their artistic ouevre, including celebrities like Kanye West, a black billionaire who is both a musician and an entrepreneur.

Post-Gothic Christianity is not necessarily theological, it is also artistic, poetic , individualistic, and subjective in height. Post Gothic Christianity is oftentimes ironic in scope, political in purpose, and it is purposefully completed by it’s flaws, including the flawed subject of Post-Gothic Christianity, mostly centered and constructed in the 21st century. Post-Gothic Christianity is prominent especially for questioning the white supremacy of all historical Christian traditions, and the “Arianbeginnings of the Christian Church, in Rome, especially concerning the German 'Goths', whom developed Gothic Christianity.

Contemporary Romans by and large are more accepting of Post-Gothic Christianity, on the whole, than they are of Gothic Christianity.

The theory and practice of Post-Gothic Christianity is being actively developed today, and has been well documented within the musical tradition called 'Gospel', largely produced by African Americans in the United States.

If you were into post-gothic christianity, you might be not be so racist, bro!

by CoaltownBrown October 31, 2021