a legendary group chat with legendary people in it (specifically @bee.mesned) they hang out all the time and everyone wants to be them. they’re 100% the “cool kids”
i wish i was in saitama’s second punch friend group
my favorite from saitama’s second punch members is for sure @bee.mesned
The amount of time it takes a guy after seeing his girls nudes, to become all the way 100% down for her
Joes experiencing the 60 second rule right now if you know what I mean.
The amount of time before which certain individuals who have asked a dumb or inconsequential question will have either found the answer on his own, or have realized it wasn't worth asking.
Certain people are more susceptible to this rule than others. It's rare that they'll still be curious after 60 seconds have passed. Most of the time, ignoring their question does the trick.
P: If Batman's parents died, then how was he born?
K: ...
(60 seconds pass)
P: Ohhhhhh. Just Googled it.
K: 60 second rule. Works every time.
P: You're a dick.
The defining moment in a relationship in which a person decides if there going to stay in the relationship. This includes work relationships in which a manager decides to keep that person on or throw them out. Even if that moment is only Physically a few seconds, in the brain it may last an eternity. That second impression can happen at any moment in life, while under great stress, while in great fear, or happiness.
2: The split second after Rejection or Affirmation. The impression we get from how a person handles rejection or congradulation. Do they jump for joy, weep in fear, low in drepression or disappointment, Scream in anger.
It was during Jill Second Impression that made her believe she could stay with john for the rest of her life and all eternity...
A fart from the other side. Broken wind from the penis.
I haven't had second wind in a while
You should get that checked out
A fart from the other side. Broken wind from the penis
I haven't had second wind in a while
You should get that checked out
Alternate statement to "Making a Duce" or "Taking a No.2". Pooping.
Dude on phone: Hey... Did I just hear you flush the toilet?
Man: Ha yea, Had shrimp for dinner and i'm making seconds.