When a man stimulates his genitals until climax into a waiting Caucasian woman's face, exclaiming sorry with every burst of ejaculate to connect with her face.
I apologized so much it sounded like Canadian skeet shooting.
when a guy crawls under the table to untie and pull off your shoelace and then runs to the urinal to dip it in piss before licking the shoelace and offering it to you.
guy 1: broo he just canadian shoelaced me!
guy 2: no way, was it good?
The explosive enjoyment of a nice, long, big Candian rocket. Oftentimes while knee deep in snow
"I'll set off your Canadian Fireworks if you ring my Freedom Bell."
The act of lubing your toe knuckle and shoving it up a women’s vagina
Tracy: After that Canadian knuckle duster Dave gave me I was seeing god
That act when you shove snow up your girl's pussy and you fuck until you start cumming.
We had the best Canadian Clam Chowder of all time, he couldn't even stop moaning.
When you’re having sex outside in the middle of winter and the girl doesnt pull her long underwear down but you bust through that polypropylene with your cock to get into the sugar pot
I fucked this girl outside a bar last winter but when she pulled her pants down she forgot the long underwear so I had to break her Canadian Hymen to finish the job
Anal sex with a Canadian
“Barry, you’re such a good friend, do you want a Canadian Specialty Cookie ?”