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Power Nod

Acording to outspoken pop star Lily Allen, a power nod is:

1. an antonym of the word "paranoid"

2. a method of looking extremely interested whilst being interviewed

3. a championship level felatio

I feel power nod today: no body seems to bother with me.

Robert was having a power nod whilst being interviewed by a tabloid magazine, while as a matter of fact he didn't give a crap.

Charlie came out of his bed room with a satisfied expression after recieving a power nod from Rosetta.

by da vaughan February 28, 2009

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Power of Ovaries

A term used by women when they have an advantage over boys.Craeted by Gabrielle F. and Danielle S.

Gabby and Danni walk in to a movie theater carrying a big black purse filled with discount candy from Price Busters.

Ticket checker: Hey can you leave that bag out here? It's a little big and well, um... My boss thinks thats how people smuggle in candy and snacks.
Gabby: So what your telling me is, just because i have a purse on means im sneaking in food?
Ticket Checker: Well thats what my-
Danni: She is on here Friggin' period! How dare you! Do you know how terribe that is? No! You dont! Because you have a PENIS!
Ticket Checker: Look Im sorry!
Gabby: The Damage is done!*She fake cries and walks in to the lobby with danni behind her.*
Danni: Hey gabby are you hungry?
Gabby: Ya! Are you?
Danni: Ya! Hand me some of these BK burgers and the snkickers we got before coming in here.
*Gabby reaches into her bag and pulls out the goods. The ticket checkers looks at them dumbfounded.*
Ticket Checker: Hey! Um.... Well- You uh... NO OUTSIDE FOOD!
Gabby: Their for my CRAMPS! Can you be anymore insensitive?!*she fake cries again, and takes of running to screening room 12, danni is right beside her.*
Danni: Works everytime!
Gabby and danni both yell: POWER OF OVARIES!

by 96BeavisNButthead96 June 30, 2010

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Power Magic4

Being a great warrior and magician, Power Magic4 defines one of runescape's coolest characters.

Like when i owned you!

by Power Magic4 January 11, 2005

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Tower of Power

When one deficates into the toilet leaving the poo standing out of the water leaning only on its own structural integrity.

"Dude I totally just squeezed out a tower of power"

"No way! According to the laws of physics, the chances of that happening are like 10000 to 1 .... Lets put it on ratemypoo.com right away!"

by The only Fox October 31, 2008

18πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

Power Rangers

A show that was totally lame until they came out with the Lightspeed Rescue series. But by then, everyone assumed it to suck and never gave it a chance. It's still more diserving than PokΓ©mon to be on TV long after it's hayday.

I watched Power Rangers: Lightspeed Resue and was amazed by the deeper story plots and lack of foolish "hiyaa!!" battle cries.

by Aicd^Rogue September 11, 2003

27πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

Power Player

A person who dick rides an admin to gain a perk in a game.

The Power Player is trying to get a df in opo

by xodusakamarq December 16, 2015

6πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

power bank

battery low? then just grad one! the hottest stuff in the world. it's world best selling accessory, ever pass over the phone casing and Bluetooth headset.

the power bank is actually a very very large battery pack, ever bigger than your ass. simply grad one, connect your phone, and your phone charged. it can ever revive your dead battery, you know it. one thing you will have to remember that you should make sure the power bank is fully charged before you go aboard (and your phone as well, only dumb will ever forget it hihi)

some power bank with battery pack larger than your ball can ever charged your iPad too! and in case your car broken, it can ever jump start your car! seem amazing?

oops! my phone battery is fucking low. I will need power bank right now!

by microsoft_halo_fans March 11, 2014

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