The position a cat takes when cleaning his or her hindquarters. So called because one leg is hiked up in the air, similar to a cooked chicken on a platter.
Tiger was sitting in the sunshine, doing chicken wings.
Chicken Wing, Chicken Wing Hot Dog and Baloney, Chicken and Macaroni
Chicken Wings are amazing!!!!
Chicken Wing, Chicken Wing Hot Dog and Baloney, Chicken and Macaroni
Chicken Wings are amazing!!!!
To grab someone around the torso from behind and bend backwards, lifting them off the ground.
Bart: Hey! Chris just chicken winged Matt!
Rob: What a knob..
Bart: I can't say for sure, but Matt was smiling!
chicken wing
Friend 1: chicken wing chicken wing hot dog and baloney chicken and macaroni chillin' with my homies
To taste the meaty goodness of a chicken wing , to translate that feeling into someone
To be someone’s left hand man
Your other half.
A term of endearment for someone you can count on.
A negative name to call someone scrawny
Goodnight my little chicken wing (positive)
You are such a chicken wing (good/bad)
Look at him over there, he’s so skinny, he looks like a chicken wing (negative)