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Thanks for coming to my TED Talk

Originally, this is what people used to say after giving a long, nonprofit speech or lecture devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of powerful talks given at the main TED (technology, entertainment and design) annual event or one of its many satellite events around the world.

By 2015, This phrase then got broken down and used whenever people finished typing up an extensively long social media post.

Then, after like, 2018, this phrase got even more deteriorated (mainly by Gen Z or Gen X trying to sound like Gen Z) to the point that people now say it after saying a sentence, or, even worse, a sentence fragment because they think they’re being funny.

My boss kinda pisses me off. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk LOL I’m hilarious, time to go on social media for the next 7 hours.

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 7, 2023

Come ass you are

What a hot-in-da-crotch stud tells a hot chick whom he's inviting over to his residence for a wildly good time --- i.e., "your warm velvety squeezable posterior will be just as delightful to me regardless of what you're wearing; besides, any garments are gonna be coming off just as soon as you arrive here, anyway, and so it really doesn't matter what you have on at da moment, anyway." :P

Telling a gal to "come ass you are" may indeed put her at ease as far as wardrobe concerns, but it could also give her second thoughts about whether she wants to show up in da first place, since "jumping straight to fourth base" --- i.e., merely having you immediately rip off all her clothes and take a flying leap into bed with her --- might not be what she'd originally had in mind for said visit.

by QuacksO December 29, 2022

The imposter is coming

when the imposter comes he will kill you and you might die from the sussy imposter amog us


by stop acting skibidi November 7, 2023

Fart Coming

Something you yell or say when a you feel a fart or a series of farts making their way out of you butt

Danny: Do How was your day man

Bobby: Oh you know man it was good....

Buddy: *Lifts leg and let’s loose a huge wet fart*
Danny: Aww, come on man

Buddy: *Sighs* Feel so much better

Bobby: That was gross

by Your Dude 67 January 30, 2021

the best is yeti to come

A way to say that the glory days have past. Sarcastically making a play on the optimistic phrase “the best is YET TO COME” as in: No it’s actually not it’s already come and gone.

SARCASTICALLY naysayer JON rebuked every attempt Sid made at being optimistic - shooting down every thing he said got tiring for them both - defeated Jon chimed out well “ the best is YETI TO COME” now you see Sid replied - it’s all ending soon but just not soon enough .

by Istayyeti November 29, 2022

Come to armory 1

Come to armory 1 means that you are inviting someone to come and have rough anal sex with you and atleast 5 other people, doesnt matter if you are a boy or a girl.
You cannot decline this offer unless there arent atleast 5-6 people doing it.

Hey Masha, can you come to armory 1?

by j6ske January 22, 2024

coming in clutch

When you learn about clutching functions in topology.

Person 1: Damn, check out this construction that's coming in clutch!
Person 2: Yeah dude, I love to be constructing fiber bundles on spheres

by One-Eyed King March 27, 2023

1👍 2👎