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Reality/game show moron

Someone who cant watch a movie without thinking people in real life are like the characters in a movie they watched, whether it be Step Brothers or Titanic.

The reality/game show moron never distinguished between life and movies/TV, which is why he/she was always trying to get on TV around like minded people.

by Solid Mantis August 10, 2020

Show him all shit

To beat someone severely within an inch of their life.

I'm gonna show him all shit!

by Webb2012 May 2, 2021

Show you my screw

Showing your screen on discord.

I could just show you my screw when I start talking to him lol

by Kraum January 26, 2021

show me your shamrocks

Men's dicks or balls.

Show me your shamrocks!

by cleverAFsometimes March 3, 2017

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National Show Tits Day

Send whoever u talking to tit pics whenever they ask for them for a whole week

send me a pic hoe today is national show tits day

by In fbheiwjvw April 9, 2021

National show a tit day

On October 27th, you have to show him your titties. What can I say, take advantage of it lol

Danny - “yo bro did you know it’s National show a tit day?”

Isaiah - “nah bro, thanks for the heads up my guy

by thetwoinchdestroyer October 27, 2020

Show up or hoe up

So when your girl is supposed to come over and she cancels plans, she’s gotta hoe up and send nudes

)You)Hey Trisha are u still coming over, (Trisha) sorry I can’t I’m going to my grandpas house to pick applesauce

(You) show up or hoe up bihhh

by Joe Semens July 8, 2018

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