1. To touch the booty of a friend with no sexual intent.
Adam gave Emma a friendly butt touch in Adams room
Touch me I'm Sick also known as TMIS, is slang for a feeling usually related to edging with pain or with inflicting pain upon someone whose in great health in hopes to infect him/her.
Hey you, Touch me I'm sick, bet you wont be happy after
touch stubs are the things you use to grab objects. Another word for them is "Fingers"
Amethyst: Peridot what are these? *Wiggles fingers
Peridot: Touch stubs
Anu's Touch, stylized as Anustouch, is a permanently closed South Indian restaurant in Boobston, NJ that served what some consider them most innovative Indian dish of the 20th century: dehydrated miniature starfish in a brown curry glaze, garnished with corn. It is said to have tasted primarily of rancid vegetable oil. Other restaurants have attempted to reproduce the dish over the years, but none have succeeded in replicating the secret sauce—anu's touch. The founder, Jaggerwal Fatwinder, now long dead, claimed to have dreamt up the dish while under anaesthesia during the removal of a fat deposit in his forearm.
Bro, wanna do anu's touch tonight?
Thought ya'd never ask!
Mississippi taint touch : when you insert the middle and ring finger into a vagina (second knuckle deep) and the thumb into the anus (bottom knuckle) ….then pinch hard and rotate pinch point in a figure 8 motion
Man I gave my wife her first “Mississippi taint touch” and she loved it!!
Mississippi taint touch : when you insert the middle and ring finger into a vagina (second knuckle deep) and the thumb into the anus (bottom knuckle) ….then pinch hard and rotate pinch point in a figure 8 motion
I gave my wife a “Mississippi taint touch last night.”
Touch of the Tiz (n.) a term used to describe minor autistic or Asperger's tendencies in an otherwise normal person; very mild autism.
Person A: "No matter what we're talking about this guy always steers the conversation back to tube amps!"
Person B: "Yeah, he does get extremely fixated on whatever he's into. I think he's got a touch of the tiz.