when a guy/girl is being described but dont want to mention their name
"Ughhh there's ugly" - Anika
"Whos ugly"- Kyra
"Jesse duh"- Anika
A very immature word being used by pre teens and teens in our corrupted society. It's immature because it doesn't respect others when you call them that. They act like 1st graders that are to scared to get along with people no matter what they look like.
Denzel thought that man was ugly in his job, though he got fired for saying that to one of the workers in his job.
The ugliest thing in on earth is a Gavin
Those Gavin things are really ugly
Dez Medders---(Destiny Medders)
Ugly-something or someone that dont look good beautiful or pretty
This guy on TikTok goes by chicken monkey
Hey did you see that ugly guy on TikTok.
Friend: who chicken monkey?