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Urban Rodent

(Euphemism for "Hood Rat")

A language love child of internet slang and possibly l33t 5p34k. It's an almost unreadable mix and match of lowercase letters, numbers, and opinionated acronyms, which are often beyond morally and grammatically incorrect. It's commonly used to make ignorant points during internet arguments via Facebook and/or Twitter.

(IM in "Urban Rodent" VS. English)

Shaye ****:

u is hatin on h3r picx u gon pic her worse pic to show an she got otha sexy pics u is wron an datz my gurl so i no sh3 pretty plz take tha pic down an show thm that she now how 2 ware makeup an that cyber buslly

Foolishness & Fuckery:

Girl, I'm so damn offended by your improper grammar and failure to use simple & complete sentences....I'm so done with this conversation..step your English game up....

by MsAniManiac July 18, 2012

Urban Stupidary

A pathetic P.O.S. website that prides itself on being hip and trendy by hosting millennial, and often times American idioms that :

A) make no sense at all
B) don't actually exist but are given an entendre
C) really just make you want to throw your phone across the room

Karen1: do you know what this means?
(Points to bullshit)
Karen: idk, did you check out Urban Dictionary?
Karen1: oh you mean urban stupidary? Nah THEY CAN SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Makes foul gesture)

by SUCKKK ITTTTT October 4, 2017

Urban Mummification

Shrink wrap or saran wrap for a costume.

Urban tumbleweeds blow by but urban mummification stay wrapped tight.

by Vin Nguyen May 24, 2017

Urban Douche

when urban dictionary wont accept my damn defintions

why you being an urban douche urban dictionary :)

by ajrodz February 14, 2015

Urban Douche

Someone who defines something wrong on urban dictionary.

Me: I was on urban dictionary the other day and I looked up pussy waste and it came up as a cereal

Other guy: Oh wow really well urban dictionary never lies
Me: Yeah well that guy must have been an Urban Douche

by ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ This guy December 31, 2016

Urban Douche

A person that thinks they are awesome simply because they or someone they know added a word to Urban Dictionary.

Person 1: Hey dude, I'm the shit. I put the word smak into Urban Dictionary. Now who wants to touch me?

Person 2: That guy is such an Urban Douche.

by TheUnknownSkier January 26, 2015

Urban Wank

1. To wank in a public place, with or without others knowledge. The true master of the urban wank can do it in a place so obvious that no one takes any notice.

2. Much like public sex. But without the partner.

"Oh my God, is he doing what i think he is!"

"Urban Wanking? No surely not in such in obvious place" *Glass elevator*

Wank urban public masturbation sex

by BeowulfBow July 29, 2012