The biggest of big men and can lift a car. He can wiggle his ears very well and is epic at Mario cart
Look at that big man his name must be big man finlay
The political principle where whether you go far left or far right, if you go too far in either direction, like Pac-Man, you will end up on the other side which is always a dictatorship.
Hitler was a socialist but moved so far left on government control that, because of the Pac-Man Principle, he came out on the right as a fascist and wound up ultimately as a dictator.
The sentence you use after consuming and delicious meal or snacc
*eating snacc*
MMM lite gott ska man ha!
Doing anal sex, starting with a flacid penis, and slowly expanding and getting harder while doing it, potentially destroying the person's ass.
Gf: hey wanna fucc?
Bf: yeah can we do anal?
Gf: sure, bend over and I'll do the Ant-man to ya
Bf: uuuhmmm
When you put your dick in someones ass before it's hard, then you let it expand (grow) and tear the person's ass in two.
Last night John did The Ant-man on me, and now I can't walk.
having sex with your woman/man while wearing pots, pans, and other various metal accessories so they crash together like a drum, also recommended is using the robotic voice