a sentence that can be said after something that is said in bed or has a sexual meaning, even if the person who said it didn't intend it. It's used humorously and often makes people laugh if used correctly. the sentence is taken from the show "The Office" and was often said by the character Michael Scott.
1. Kevin: "Why did you get it so big?"
Michael: "that's what she said."
2. someone: "And you were directly under her the entire time?"
Michael: "that's what she said."
A phrase used to point out something that if out of context, would be sexual. It originally derived from "The Office."
*near the Empire State Building*
"It's so big!"
"That's what she said-"
a joke reffering to what a woman says while having/before sex
Wow, thats long!
thats what she said
thats what she said
Oh come on, put it in!
thats what she said
To refer to sex if somebody uses a term relating to it
"My ass hurts".
"That's what she said"
The greatest dirty joke of all time
* Guy sees a table *
Guy says: "Wowww it's (the table) soo biggg!"
Me: "That's what she said!"
Michael Scott’s favorite phrase is now a dirty party game. Like Cards Against Humanity, only all hilarious innuendos.
Person: What's That's What She Said game?
Me: A hilarious party game of twisted innuendos, it's like Cards Against Humanity but all innuendos. You have to play, you'll laugh until you cry!
if someone puts she/they on their bio or say their pronouns are 'she/they' it means they use both she/her AND they/them pronouns. However just because someone say they use both, it doesnt mean you need to use only one.
Person 1: Hey, Im Person 1 and I use she/they pronouns
Person 2: okay!
(Person 2 having a conversation with someone about Person 1)
Person 2: did you know that Person 1 is in law school?
Person 3: no THEY didn't tell me
Person 2: well THEY are in THEIR last year of law school
Person 3: I'm so proud of THEM
Person 2: we should celebrate, SHE made it so far!
Person 3: YEAH!