Source Code

10-Second Rule

The rule that states that if you don't like what you see from a person in the first ten seconds you see them, than you will most likely not like them later on.

Is ussually used on apparent douchebags, seemingly annoying bitches, or preppy-ass motherfuckers.

Jim: Ay, Carl! Look at that guy over there.
(Carl looks at apparent douchebage and applies 10-Second Rule)
Carl: He looks like a fucking douche.

by AlexTheOmnipotent April 1, 2013

4๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

10 second car

as one man grips the genitals of another, he fast and furiously stimulates the genitals while pretending to shift the gears of a manual transmission car.

Man 1: "You know you owe me a 10 second car, right?"

Man 2: "Vroom! Hope you don't mind if I grind your gears!"

by Frenchy Davis April 2, 2009

92๐Ÿ‘ 288๐Ÿ‘Ž

10 Knuckle Shuffle

1. Giving a guy with a big dick a hand job; requires two hands, 10 fingers and 10 knuckles

2. Guys with big dicks beating off; requires two hands, 10 fingers and 10 knuckles

John Holmes required the 10 Knuckle Shuffle from bitches!

by MOCO & P-Phat February 11, 2012

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

theyre a 0-10 but

theyre a 10 but they wont pee on u, theyre a 9 but have poor hygiene, they a 5 but theyre fruity, they a 8 but they make fun of gay people and poc for fun and amusement, theyre a 10 but they wont give u a blowjob, theyre a 6 but they smell ur socks, theyre a 2 but theyre a 7'3, rich alpha mafia boss from wattpad stories,

theyre a 0-10 but they will pee on u

by baddieslayslay August 3, 2022

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9/10/21 Is the supposed day of reckoning, many speculate that the kid from the 9 + 10 = 21 video was hiding a truly dark secret...we can only wait and find out...

"we are gonna fucking die on 9/10/21, prepare your ass cheeks"

by wizzro September 9, 2021

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10-year freeunion

The event you plan to attend (with the high school friends with whom you cared enough to keep in touch) INSTEAD of the grossly overpriced 10-year high school reunion.

They want $80 per person? forget that... Send a MySpace invite and let's have a 10-year freeunion instead!

by sm_mmhs September 4, 2008

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

10 percent rule

Immediately Spending 10% of money acquired from prize winnings, pay checks, sales, etc... towards celebrating in order to attain good luck.

I just got my tax refund for $2,456, According to the 10 percent rule I have to go blow $245.60 on getting wasted and motorboating some bitches. Cause bitches get brunched.

by L-LEEZY April 25, 2012

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