The Even Bigger Dong in the group of Dongs (Bigger than Alpha Dong) That is Distributed to only Gods
Joesus Christ is the Omega Dong
The guy with the biggest dong in all of the world. He can pull any girls with this dong energy, He's the master at it.
A string of words describing a penis
"put ur willy wank dingle dong doodler away!"
When you use your penis as a mallet and hit a gong to make a makeshift vibrator using the vibrations of the gong.
“Man, broke my emergency vibrator.”
Bruh, gong dong
Jack-a-lack-a-ding-dong is the hawtest boy you will ever meet. He will make u laugh when u don’t even want to smile, he always knows the right thing to say. And oh man he makes you cumdumpster like CRA cra
Omg jack-a-lack-a-ding-dong made me squirt so much last night
A dong bruise is the bruises that appear on a girls legs after a hard night out in town, they never remember where they have come from but are actually caused by male dancers in close proximity by their flailing male appendages
"Oh my god look at these bruises on my thighs Kathy! I have no idea how I got these, boy was I boozed last night"
"I have a fair idea, they're dong bruises Jane, I told you not to dance so close to those huge guys"
A women who simply tends to slide upon dongs.
Jenna: God, Ben looks so good over there, I just wanna smash.
Brenda: Jesus Jenna, you're such a dong slider.