A gay man that tries to convert straight men into homosexuality so they can sleep with them
Dennis: john wood tried to take me to his room guys, he’s a fucking fruit fairy
A form of expressing approval of a female's buttocks or bosom
Nathaniel noticed the new girl in class had a particularly fine pair of buttocks, and decided to express his interest to his friend Kyan.
Nathaniel: fruit jizz on that girl's ass my dude
Kyan: *sips rockstar* agreed my dude. Her buttocks do look very fine indeed.
Nathaniel: *taps girls ass*
to chase after a means of sexual intercourse
Brandon: I gonna see if that slut Janie'll sleep with me.
Kyle: Yea, you get that fruit, boy.
If something Fruits your loops it makes you feel good, happy, or content.
Do whatever makes you happy, whatever Fruits Your Loops!
Catriona forbidden fruit
Catriona forbidden fruit
A fruity man named Logan that kisses boys
if your name is Logan you're a fruit there for you are the gayest boy kisser of them all
Damn Logan turned into a fruit, he is a boy kisser now