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jimmy jimser mcjimmygorg (jimmeldeiser) like boiiii

jimmy go brrrrr

by KingFroggyIV // Jimmy / No, um October 19, 2022


a funny, cool guy that is almost everyones friend.

Alan:Jimmy is so funny.

by 69lickdicker69 March 3, 2019


That one annoying boy.

"Wow, he's such a Jimmy!"

by hello, my name is _____ November 13, 2020


Jimmy a Faggot that plays minecraft and gets bullied. He also a cunt with a little dick.

He's a big hoe and a fag

Faggot: Jimmy

by Fortnite,more, like,Minecraft6 April 9, 2019


jimmy means an act or a people who has the right to flex as being an supreme being whose order is absolute.

i am jimmy
such a jimmy act

only the jimmy's have the right to kiss this beautiful lady

by YMMIJ INFIDULUM October 29, 2021


Jimmy usually has a big head and can usually be mistaken for a ring pop. Never really showers and is a little on the heavy side. He is a funny one and is usually very lovable and can get along with just about anyone. He is a mommas boy so be prepared for that.

Yo that jimmy guy is the shit, but did u notice his big a** head?

by Iaintgottimeforthis June 26, 2020


Stick your penis in your mouth and pee as hard as you can

I going to jimmy you

by Meth head69 November 16, 2023