To have silent sexual intercourse on the floor with minimal clothes removal, as to avoid discovery of fornication. Usually done by people who still live with their folks or prudish friends.
Juan: yo, we gonna have to ninja bang today, mamacita, cuz my folks are in the next room
The act of using a long flourecent Light bulb as a Katana, and karate style hitting your friend making the bulb explode
I can't wait for another bulb to burn out so we can play some Ninja Lightbulb.
A beer you grab when you get home after being out with friends. You quickly take a sip to mask the the booze smell coming out of your pores. Your spouse assumes it's your first one since you just got home and isn't immediately pissed for you being shitfaced drunk.
When I get home the first thing I'm going to do is grab a Ninja Beer from the garage fridge, that way my wife won't know I've been at happy hour for the last 4 hours.
A beer that is high in alcohol content, but tastes like a regular beer.
Drunk ass: Yo I thought this was regular piss beer, but this shit snuck up on me like a ninja. I was shit faced before i knew what happened.
Bro: yeah, who gave you that ninja beer?
Person who does not ever buy weed, but always smokes others. Mooching off of smoking circles or other social groups.
"Was Roy at the party?"
"Yeah man, he was a Grass Ninja like always and smoked all our weed and left."
a 29 year old that plays a game filled with people 20 years younger than him
his very existence is a meme
Fortnite ninja tyler blevins just ended his stream!
A black man who specifically goes for Asian women.
This guy talks to every Asian girl in town. He’s a real street Ninja.