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asian girl

A woman of Asian descent usually:

1) Stereotyped to be a nymphomaniac by the general populace

2) Seen with a white man as opposed to an Asian man - it is the most common interracial relationship

3) Shorter in stature than the average white or black woman especially in America

4) Possessing yellowish to light brown skin that many pale white women or dark black girls envy

5) Possessing impeccably straight hair that once again is envied by both white and black women

6) Stereotyped as hard-working, soft spoken and loyal - true only to a certain extent

Cindy is such a hot Asian girl; just look at her luscious light brown skin and straight black hair!

Mai is your typical Asian girl; she's petite, takes up medicine and is dating a white guy

by ss69 November 2, 2007

1356πŸ‘ 535πŸ‘Ž

Girl twink

A girl of fairly tall stature who is relatively slim and has few distinguishable features. Often into indie pop bands/artists and mirrors that in her fashion style.Also almost always bisexual.

Yo, that girl over there is kinda pretty.
Bro, she's a Girl twink. There's a million other girls who look exactly like that.

by welovecliff August 10, 2020

38πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

puertorican girls

The girls that no matter how hard you try will always steal your man right when they walk into the room.

"Dude I was at a party yesterday and this chick walks in through the door in slow motion. Fuck was she hot, obviously she was a puertorican girl!"

"I love me some puertorican girls."

by chittychittybang April 13, 2015

40πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

girl friend

Not to be confused with the compound word girlfriend, a "girl friend" (two words) is a girl who is your friend, but not a girlfriend.

Every guy should have a girl friend. A good girl friend is just like one of the guys, except a girl. Also, if you're going through shit with your girlfriend then it's nice to know you have a female on your side.

Girl friends don't have to be unattractive, either. But keep in mind that a girl friend shouldn't be confused with a romance interest you're trying to buddy-up first-- Girl friends remain strictly really good friends, even best friends.

My girlfriend dumped me because she thinks I lack the ability to be affectionate.

My girl friend Heather says that my (ex)girlfriend is just a stupid nympho and I'm perfectly date-able. Then we drank some beer and played Super Smash Bros.

by ryan y February 22, 2006

395πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž

Bruh girl

That archetypal girl whoβ€”other than always saying bruhβ€”is often very blunt and unpolished in her communication style, favoring 'real talk' over 'girl talk'. They generally do not care much about feelings and would rather point out the cold truth than to gloss it up with positivity. Very rebellious. Cusses naturally like a sailor. Does not care about social etiquette at all. If in a relationship, bruh girls will give off the impression it's a love-hate one.

With regards to MBTI personality types, bruh girls are most likely either an ISTP, ESTP, or in some cases INFP.

User 1: Hey what's up with that girl who always exchanges insults with her peers and has some sorta bone to pick?
User 2: Oh, that's just a bruh girl, being salty and sarcastic is her thing

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian May 13, 2022

46πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Awesome Girl

A girl who thinks about you, cares about you, shows you her flirty side at the same time showing you her bitchy side. She will drop you notes unexpectedly, she will let you hang with your buddies for a boys weekend. She demands the best from you while giving you even more than you give her. She loves you unconditionally and will deal with all your baggage. She is confident in herself and at the same time will get jealous and stand up for her guy at any time. She is a mom, a friend a daughter and everything someone else wants. She is awesome.

Dusty is an awesome girl. She is better than awesomecool.

Honeybee - "yes she is an awesome girl and so much better than cool or awesomely "

by Honeybeee March 1, 2012

39πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

AAA Girl

A AAA Girl is a girl that will fuck just about anybody, hence the acronym AAA(A=Anybody, A=anytime, A=anywhere). Guys need to be especially careful of these types of girls.

Pedro: Damn, that girl in my Lit. class was all up on my dick, she was totally DTF

Matt: Nah man, dont mess with that she's a AAA girl, i heard she has herpesiphillitis

Pedro: Fuck, I was looking forward to getting some cutty. Good looking out Matt

by Dee-enda Mah Dick September 23, 2009

87πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž