When someone is angry and fighting with you over something that you find unnecessary to fight about.
Fighted- at victim: What’s up babe how was work?
Fighted-at perpetrator: Why the fuck are all these socks on the floor!?!?!
When the Aesthetics are so dope , they get confused with Muay Thai
Jim: who made this picture, the aesthetics are so hard it punched me right in the face
Jun Hu: Yeah bro, that shit came straight out of the muay thai fight club
A Discord MMA server, ran by BoiledEggRoll. It’s main purpose is to roleplay using custom bot commands. It’s acronym is DFC.
“Yo you heard of the Discord Fighting Championship?”
“Tf is that?”
“It’s a discord server you moron”
two or more people "fighting" but they are just throwing hands not fists
basically their arms are going everywhere in the fight and its hilarious.
these are mostly fights between girls.
"she's such a spaghetti fighter. nevermind. this isn't even a fight. its just a handshake"
"aye this shit is boring"
A San Francisco pillow fight consists of a group of skinny-jean and scarf wearing dudes taking turns flogging each other with their yam bags. The victor is determined by whomever can withstand the most scrotes without blowing their nut guppies all over the place.
Oh man, I was involved in the most intense San Francisco pillow fight, the other day. By the end of it, it looked like a Cinnabon store exploded!
When 2 Jeff’s are friends they don’t fight
The closest person next to you is Jeff, Jeff’s don’t fight each other it’s in the law book
You and your friend fill 2 condoms with your own poop, until they become really hard and stiff. Then you start having a sword fight with them. Whose condom breaks first and lets out the contents loses and shall be ashamed.
Adam and Tommy had a baguette fight yesterday. It was funny and messy at the same time.