Being the recipient of "Dirty Moses" (refer to Dirty Moses definition).
Being the recipient of unfathomable trolling and being upset about it.
"did you hear that Matthew tried to cook his food but Josh popped in his stovetop foil liners? Now he keeps complaining about his food tasting weird"
"maaaan what a Sad Noah"
A day where gay people are sad.
Oh, I get why you're sad, it's because it's May 23rd: National Gay People Be Sad Day
The resulting feeling after you get too "click happy" in a software system and accidently screw something up or delete something that now you can't fix.
I opened up the new employee records program and got click happy. Now I can't find my records and it won't go back to the main page. I'm so click sad! Help!
The blood that is shed while self harming
"I got sad blood all over my clothes last night"
1. a literal sad horses mouth
2. where a older woman or whore have lost their elasticity in their vagina, meaning then when it comes to intercourse its like putting fingers or a penis in a moist bin bag.
how was that girl last night?
worn she had sad horses mouth syndrome
When you're so sad you just want to grab a bottle of vodka, drowned in your own vomit and wake up the next day not knowing who you are.
"I can't get my mocha latte so I'm going to get sad wasted"