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West side ghetto boyz

West side ghetto boyz is a new crew located in the west side of Anaheim with a unknown number of members they tag using “west side ghetto boyz,GBZ,WSGB,Anaheim ghetto boyz” they are known for their beatings or as kids now a day say it “pack outs” on enemies. Their main opposition is VAIL ST LOCOS, 18ST, WS LONGO, UNA, FOLKS , NIGHCRAWLERS and many little crews. They are a very young crew/gang but is probably the biggest youngster crew/gang in OC and from my eyes soon to be MOST HATED.


by Allaboutthatwestcoast June 30, 2022

29👍 5👎

Green side up

What you yell to the lawn guys who are laying down sod ( usually a mexican )

(drives by in car )
"Green side up, boys, green side up"

by Honky Cracker October 10, 2003

3👍 10👎

East Side Taco Festival

A large taco enthusiasm event that takes place on the east side of San Jose and is, therefore, probably a thinly veiled front for prostitution.

Man, I scored the best taco at the East Side Taco Festival and had a major meat-gasm, if you know what I mean.

by DotV September 7, 2011

13👍 1👎

see you on the other side

A form of bidding farewell to a close friend or relative when you know that the probability of ever meeting them again in the future is slim and exceedingly marginal, or when you will cease all contact with the aforementioned individual for a considerable time without sitreps.

The phrase was first brought to public attention after Jim Lovell, aboard Apollo 8, uttered the phrase before going dark behind the Moon for 34 minutes. It was later popularized by mainstream media, such as books or films, where the phrase is occasionally used..

Gerry Carr: "Ten seconds to go. You are go all the way."

Jim Lovell: "We'll see you on the other side."

by Pythagorasaur July 31, 2019

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Certified Side Shaygo Secret

Certified Side Shaygo Secret or (C.S.S.S) is a swagged-out, blacked out, boy blew her back her back out type secret .

Friend 1:"I don't think I can get girls".
Friend 2:"Lemme let you in on a certified side shaygo secret, I've tripled my rizz from zero girls to 0x3 girls, we are not the same."

by I'mHim69 March 19, 2023

East Side Middle School

We are located on the Upper East Side in Manhattan.We love Mr.Deneroff and don't understand why he's married to Mrs. Deneroff. We go to John Jay even though we dont really know why because its not that fun. We eat chinese food every day at lunch. The principal looks like a goat/fish and doesn't do anything all day. We play handball in gym even though its not a real sport. We make fun of the 6th graders. We hate wheely backpacks. We are scared of Skinner the security guard. We get yelled at by her about twice a day. We walk up 5 flights of stairs 3 times a day. We hate staying in for lunch. Mr.Finch tells us that we will fail at our lives. He thinks he can fly and listens to Enya. We hate the smelly deli, and get yelled at every morning for standing in the other deli without buying anything. There's always a popular group in each grade. The assistant principal looks like a super hero in a suit. We wear UGGS or CONVERSE everyday. A lot of people dress that same. The hallways are a foot wide. We take lots of pictures on Photobooth and make peace signs and kissy faces. We run into Eric on Gossip Girl a lot. BEST MIDDLE SCHOOL EVER.

Person 1: that kid looks like hes four year old why does he have a wheely backpack?
Person 2: He must be a 6th grader at East Side Middle School I can tell by looking at him.

by student alumni October 28, 2009

125👍 34👎

cool as the other side of the pillow

A state of being very calm and collected, rarely freaking out or becoming over-emotional, and generally well-respected by the majority of people. May have originated from ESPN's SportsCenter.

Man, back in high school I was the shit. I used to ride up about 10 minutes late every day on my Harley-Davidson in my leather jacket and sunglasses. I'd walk into class and take my usual seat in the back of the room, where the two hottest girls in the school were waiting for me. Then I'd light up a cigarette, Marlboro Red of course, lean back in my seat to where I was almost lying down, and put my arms around the girls. If the teacher told me to put out my cigarette, I'd laugh and say "Make me." She wouldn't of course because I was too cool to not smoke. Yeah, I was about as cool as the other side of the pillow.
No, actually I was a nerd who watched Star Trek marathons and wrote code for Mac OS 9 at age 12.
No really, I was always pretty normal, but I always used to look at the other side of the pillow and wished I could someday be that cool.

by Nick D October 20, 2003

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