Source Code

Tree Sister

The TBHK AU where Kou is really sad and a tree kills his sister and stuff.
I have a really bad addiction to it.

“Do you know Tree Sister?”
“You’ll know soon.”

by poIaris December 31, 2022

The sacred sister law

The sacred sister law states that “If you find news or information that makes you feel uncomfortable, you must share it to your sister”.

The sacred sister law: Brit and char are sisters. Brit found a video about an onion that made her feel uncomfortable. Brit shared the video to Char.

by Shhhitsbrit November 21, 2022

Disco sisters

When two girls have had the same man but are still on good terms

Sally did you hear Susie slept with Dave after you did? That makes you guys disco sisters

by Rowmyboat April 25, 2016

The Williams Sisters

The only reason black people watch tennis.

if it wasn't for the Williams sisters black people would not have any interest in the honkey sport of tennis

by King_Cat January 1, 2021

Lollipop Sisters

Two women that have have sex with the same guy.

We are lollipop Sisters.

by July 10, 2023

Crunchy Sister

A brother to gossip with that feels like a sister if you're the only gorl in the family.

I texted my crunchy sister all night about watching breaking bad.

by crunchysister August 13, 2022

Marina's sister

Marina's hot sister but also hot blooded and will win any fight.

Alas, Marina's sister has won the fight again.

by yeahokayiknow May 4, 2024