A person who is extremely addicted to snapchat, and lives their life on their app. They have an insanely huge snap score (1.5 million+), always have 20+ contacts of the opposite gender. The male ones are either fluffy hair white guys, or broccoli heads, while the girls all have the copy and paste boring middle part straight hair. They also collect bodies like its no tomorrow.
I heard that the two snap plants in my class Luke and Ashley are now dating, I predict that they will break up via Snapchat 7 hours and 43 minutes later due to cheating on each other with 5 other people.
Complex job, hard job to do it,difficult work, tedious job etc.
My fried just got a new job, but I am afraid it's gonna be hair snap to him.
I was so tired after hair snap! Lucy advice her husband to change his clerk type job for hair snap at iron factory to get more difficulty. Damn it! I can't fix that camera, it's looks like hair snap for me.
A person on your snapchat friend list that never contacts you.
Bro this Julian guy is a snap ghost, he always leaves me on opened.
How an obsessed jealous ex girlfriend reacts when she comes in contact with the love of her life in public and he is with another bitch
When i seen Cory with his new bitch at the park. I snapped like a 2 dollar lawn chair.
Meaning to agree with someone’s point, seeing the logic behind someone else’s opinion/deluosions/rights and wrongs/ anything and everything someone does that you support and therefore is granted validation.
E.g - Slay, giving CUNT, your crushed it, awesome sauce , PREACH
And as it is being said it, one should also snap their fingers at least 3 times as a sign of approval 🫰🏻🫰🏻🫰🏻
Snaps Not Hearts
Friend 1: Today I turned 20! We means I can officially says I BEAT TEEN PREGNANCY
Friend 2: snaps nots hearts 🫰🏻 🫰🏻 🫰🏻, snap not hearts babe