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Post-coital surprise

Sperm dripping after a sexual intercourse

He nutted in my ass after a quicky. I had to rush out and I got a nice post-coital surprise at the first traffic light. My panties were soaked

by PocketLewis October 6, 2024

birthday balloon surprise

The act getting everyone at a party to cum inside of a ballon,

"Everyone come over here and cum into this balloon for the birthday boy" said jim.
"I love when someone does a birthday balloon surprise over my head"

"Pop"went the balloon.

"Oh wow thanks love you guys" yelled the birthday boy

by Fist me dad but pleazd dont cu December 11, 2016

Vermin Surprise

When you go out with a bang "literally". Having a homemade nuclear device set to go off when you die. Extra points if Vermin Supreme takes your guns and gives you something bigger.

Zach really went out with a Vermin Surprise. Yeah what a dick head he killed my grandma in that blast.

by Vermin Suprise July 15, 2024

Silent surprise

The act of when a small group of people are hanging out, and one person let’s out a silent but deadly fart without letting anyone else in the group know it was them.

David: *farts silently*

Mason: “What in fuck is that smell?”

Jason: “Seriously I can not breathe, what in the hell is it?”
Kyle: “Someone let out a silent surprise. Who the fuck was it?”
David: “Yeah, who was it?”

by S-Renee June 5, 2020

cream cheese surprise

When a rookie tries to make banana pudding but forgets a step leaving chunks of cream cheese in the mix for everyone to consume

That rookie's banana pudding turned into a real cream cheese surprise.

*takes bite* Was that a bit of banana? Nope just cream cheese surprise mother fucker!

by Kazeemt1 November 16, 2017

Regifted Surprise

When a girl goes down on a guy and acts like she swallowed his semen but keeps it in her cheek and goes to give him a kiss afterwards and spits it back into his mouth.

I didn’t know what to get you for your birthday so I thought I would give you a regifted surprise.

by Ooooopsy August 1, 2019

Shanghai Surprise

When one of two people makes a fist, inserts the fist in the other persons ass, then opens their fist to make spirit fingers while hand is their ass.

'Christine was obsessed with anal sex, more so getting a 'Shanghai Surprise'"

by ViolentlyHappy726 January 26, 2016