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A whore or slut
Also can be used to describe a dope song

That bop slept with my boyfriend. What a bitch!
No, keep this song on! It's a bop!

by BudLightBeer May 1, 2024


Slurping on some dick

Nigga 1:Bruh that bop was crazy, yo ex gave me

Nigga 2:you gon have to see me now

by Trapoutfredo March 6, 2021


When you practice music by only playing the beginning of the note and not sustaining it.

Instead of booooop
It’s just bop

by Burgerette 👻 February 7, 2020


Someone that glazes anyone famous and will ditch people to be seen with more known people


by Mellow2022 May 15, 2024


It means a good song or da baby’s song or a dance to everyone else but in Baltimore it means to go very far relatively

1:I am trying to go to Chick-fil-A
2: That’s a whole BOP

by Bmoreslang February 16, 2022

skeeter bopping

Skeeter boppers are natural born 'doing the most' trophy winners. They go hard in the yard in everybody's yard.

Lil Jizzy was skeeter bopping through Walmart today. You should have seen Lil Jizzy go

by MD7177 December 9, 2022

Covert bop

Sneaky girl ,probably an Albright chic who is the town whore but she's so stealthy and hand picks the perfect men ,men who evidently respect her alot or fear her because they always have her back never revealing her midnight secrets . She's so scary that all dudes want to love her yet are terrified and loyal at the same time. The most descret of hoes , the one that is like Spiderman u never know her real identity,she swoops in like a thief in the night breaking mens hearts and leaving them star struck with obsession . Ask around you won't get any real information on this mystical dragon shes got a power of magic that can't be replicated - if one should ever betray her and reveal her dirty secrets or identity than they lose the ability to get an erection for life!!!! Do not scorn this women stay away from the Covert bop she will chew your man up and spit him.out like o -towns limp dick club.

She is the cities covert bop ,hard to catch don't fall in to her web!!

by Ghostbuster2000 April 29, 2024