Source Code

Moving Boxes

A unit of weight to be used in lieu of traditional standards when attempting to spread false information, fear monger or mislead another into believing the mass of an object is much greater. One moving box (1mbs) is equal to 0.75lbs, 12oz, 0.340194kb, 0.3 courics or 1 large potato.

"I've held an AR-15 in my hand, it is as heavy as ten boxes that you might be moving." - Representative Sheila Jackson Lee

I've already lost 2 moving boxes this week!

by BlackS3ven AkA Greco September 26, 2019

yong move

'A Yong Move' is a term used to describe an unthinkably idiotic decision or act by a person of Oriental heritage.
The term usually is used for a male, and may or may not link to racial stereotypes.

Example 1.

"Hey look at the car! How the hell did they manage to end up crashed there?"
"Definitely a Yong Move"
Example 2.
"That guy's crazy bro"
"Yep, Gonna be making a few Yong Moves tonight..."
Example 3.
"Mate, what are you wearing - that's a Yong Move right there"

by Champ Brudda January 12, 2017

Borgy Move

Going public with trivial issues related to current/former peers, way after the fact.

Did you see the producer of The Office Dan Atalla complaining about Gervais' wheelchair jokes almost 20 years later? That's a real Borgy move.

by FriesWithTomatoes August 23, 2021

Caleb move

When someone says or asks something so stupid or very loud and obnoxious simply just for attention

Jeremey exclaimed “you shit yourself”.I replied as everyone was looking at me, “that was a Caleb Move.”

by Cole3864 February 3, 2022

yard move

yard move

"The yard move," I said. "It gets'em every time."

by mergendieler October 24, 2020

Move the f*ck on

When you should really just stop talking about it and let go of a fling that really wasn’t a thing

Her: “I miss him so much”, “I think he likes me but won’t say it”, “why isn’t he answering my texts”, “men are trash”, “Want to hear about this time with ...” etc.

Friend: Move the f*ck on

by PorcupineDingdong3000 February 12, 2021

The Antoine Move

When you buy a pc without buying a monitor so you use the monitor of your sibling.

Me: My brother bought a pc without buying a monitor so now he's using mine :(

Person: Ah The Antoine Move, I see.

by April 3, 2022