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Pharma-Nazi is a person that knows all about there is to know about different drugs and corrects people when they use a certain drug incorrectly.

Ambur is a Pharma-Nazi cause she corrected Steve on the proper pill pronunciation.

by Deathlogic March 6, 2016


Usually refers to people who support the Nazi ideology and/or are White Supremacists who also support anti-Semitism. They're usually quite violent, messy, disorganized, tatooed and unclean junkies or bikers, the opposite of a true Nazi, who all died out years ago along with Hitler, who would be dissapointed in them. The Nazi party in fact had overthrown the German government, which Neos don't have the balls to do, and the fighting force was highly organized and professional.

This definition isn't saying I side with the old Nazis or the Neo-Nazis, because I dislike them just as any sane person should. It's a definition explaining what they are and that they're absolute shit compared to the very thing they're trying to bring back. If I'm not wrong I do believe that Adolf wanted the Third Reich to die with him, so there you go.

Neo-Nazis are incompetent.

Again, this isn't a post praising the new or old German Nationalists, but something explaining how useless and shitty they are.

by CC-8826 November 27, 2023


Somebody who acts like a Nazi online.

Stop acting like a Neo-Nazi!

by BlizzardFreeze January 8, 2024

Neo nazi

A cucklord who usually is a hispanic or a white person with no father and they hate all colored people also neo nazis love when their wive's are being fucked by black men while posting anti jewish memes on their discord server

john: Stop being such a neo nazi josh


by neanderthai57 July 19, 2023


Usually but not limited to a: Person who loves Nazis/Hitler i.e. a Hitler lover or dick rider. Also a person who is Kanye West, Transphobic, Homophobic, Anti- Semitic, Anti-Furry, basically some dumbass who is a horrible person. And the people who are any of the listed or just don’t agree with this just can’t except the truth.

Neo-Nazi: Dylan Mulvaney is not a her! Hes a groomer💀
Everyone who is not a dumbass: Whatever you Hitler dick rider. Get out of here and go back to listening to Kanye West with your bigbodyass falling downthestairs.

by Xenoscout May 30, 2023

3👍 3👎


Nazis and Neo-Nazis should not be considered the same. Nazis don’t hide there support while Neo-Nazis do. Neo-Nazis mainly (Not all) believe that Original Nazism is dead, this doesn’t include National Socialism. And Truthfully Neo-Nazis are a wide and diverse groups of individuals.
There are people in the ideology that are Gay or something like that, or Accelerationism (Race War or RaHowa) it should be of note that not all Acceleratists are Neo-Nazis or even want or believe in a Race war but under Neo-Nazi terms they do. And others might just be trying to be “Edgy” or “Cool”. Some Neo-Nazis groups would include but might have other beliefs. Another thing is that a lot of Neo-Nazi groups believe in Satanism, and or work with Satanists like O9A (Order of Nine Angels).
Examples Groups: Atomwaffen, feuerkrieg Division, the Base, and others.

Kyle is a Neo-Nazi.

by A Proud NatSoc February 7, 2024


Edgy 12 year olds trying to be different on the internet

Mason: “Hey Phil
Phil: “what”
Mason: “I’m a Neo-Nazi! Heil hitlaa lol”

by Tickel August 2, 2022