When you leave your cock inside while she gets wet and greasy.
Hey girl, you ready to bake my bacon?
The best guy in the world so hot and sexy he could have all the girls but has one
Wow he's so Elijah bacon.
A super fucking sweaty cod player
Who killed me
Ah I got killed by bacon 101 again on this legendary ranked server
When you pee into a woman's vagina during intercourse and it makes the same sound as if you were peeing into a toilet .
James:Hey man you get lucky last night?
David: Yea man, and she let me sizzle the bacon too!
No, I did leave the 'e' off on purpose,
Squeez Bacon is self explanatory: it's bacon in a bootle; like ketchup. It's a delectable treat from Sweden that has somehow made it through the USDA into the shelves in America (shudders). It is said to be an almighty food worthy of the gods on the Think Geek website. I can't talk about the taste because i've never acually had it, but while it allows you to make a BBBLBT (Bacon-Bacon-Bacon-Lettuce-Bacon-Tomato) sandwich, to me the stuff looks like the filling expected to go in a frag grenade, and/or diarrhea. Now go buy a bottle for 7.99.
With Squeez Bacon, I don't have to worry about having the bacon undercooked.
To receive earn or wish for a reward after completing a task.
"Well done on the report"
"Thank you, at the very least I deserve a piece of bacon for it"