Source Code

1x1 Lego brick

caseohs true identity

bro caseoh built like a 1x1 lego brick

by the yes when the yes. January 3, 2024

Put a brick on your foot

A term coined by NASCAR enthusiast Jack Morris. If you tell a driver to put a brick on their foot, you are telling them to put more pressure on the pedal, making them go faster.

Fan: Come on Elliott, put a brick on your foot! You gotta win this race!

by salute07 May 7, 2019

Brick beast

Any very massive and ugly building.

"Every building produced by the Bauhaus Movement was just an ugly brick beast."

by Zed Numar July 20, 2021

Brick out

A phrase used when it’s unbelievably cold, almost to the point where it actually hurts to be outside. Is typically used in the winter months in areas where temperatures drop below freezing.

A. This guy walks outside for the first time since it snowed and is sitting in his car waiting for it to defrost and warm up, then literally screams with intensity: Aaaaah!!! It’s brick out here!

B. Friend 1: Make sure you put on that extra layer when you head out today. Wouldn’t want you to get sick because of the crazy cold weather we’ve had lately.

Friend 2: Girl, you ain’t never lied! It’s brick out!

by WeLiveFunLivesInMyCircle February 9, 2022

Brick out

A phrase a person uses when they’re so incredibly cold, it almost hurts, as if they’ve been hit with a bag of bricks.

A common phrase used in areas where the winters are absolutely brutal.

Example 1:

(Walks outside and literally screams)

AAAAAH! OMG, it’s brick out here!

Example 2:

FRIEND: Make sure you put that extra layer on and dress warm. Wouldn’t want you getting sick because it’s so damn cold outside.

RESPONSE: You ain’t never lied! It’s brick out!!!

by WeLiveFunLivesInMyCircle February 5, 2022

Brick out

When it’s cold outside

It’s brick out Im freezing

by Abibuiltt July 17, 2022

Coffee brick

Rapid need to defecate after a cup or a sip of coffee in the morning. Is usually strengthened by a cigarette or any nicotine dispenser.

- Where have you been??

- Sorry, I had a coffee brick :(
- Yeah, better to shit beforehand than shit in bare hand...

by jkl334 May 5, 2024