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Strongest Army On The Internet

Greg is the strongest army on the internet. If you are one of Greg, you are immune to all diseases and you will live forever.

(Danny Gonzalez is the owner of the army. He is the reincarnation of Jesus.)

Guy 1: Are you part of Greg?
Guy 2: I'm not. What is Greg?
Guy 1: Greg is the strongest army on the internet. You will be immortal if you join Greg. The only thing you have to give up is your oil and tobacco.

by greg4life November 13, 2018

1031πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

internet sex symbol

arataka reigen, the finest man alive

(a character from mob psycho 100)

person 1: wow have you heard of the internet sex symbol??
person 2: yeah reigen's so sexy am i right??

by perseus69 September 6, 2021

370πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Experimental Internet Gas

This is an absolutely baffling term originating from Marvel's New Warrior's comic reboot. The experimental internet gas gave a character called Screentime (a meme-obsessed teen superhero - literally) his special powers after his grandfather made the gas. This is a legit Marvel creation.


"A Meme-Obsessed super teen whose brain became connected to the internet after becoming exposed to his grandfather’s β€œexperimental internet gas.” Now he can see augmented reality and real-time maps, and can instantly Google any fact. Does this make him effectively a genius? He sure acts like it does."

by Clockwork Caracal March 19, 2020

204πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

internet antichrist

The Internet Antichrist was a title originally assigned to the player Snax upon completion of 666 hours logged on steam for the game Blacklight Retribution. He was banned shortly after for calling the BLR forum admin a kike amongst a list of complaints from literally a hundred plus other in-game users.

The term has since been used as a title for "Master Fuckery," aka people who have exceptional skill in mentally obliterating their competition.

John was raging so hard during that LoL match you'd think he was arguing with the Internet Antichrist.

by CaligulaHaxor November 29, 2013

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

internet superhero

A term used mockingly to describe certain trolls. Most commonly used to describe 4chan sagefags (who attempt to kill a thread by saging enough times to trigger the automatic sage function) because most sagefags claim to be doing 4chan a service by killing a shit thread. The term is not all that widespread, as there's been somewhat of a crackdown on sagefags in the last year.

Troll: saged for massive faggotry.

Troll: sagesagesage

OP: Internet Superhero. Anyway let's stop feeding the trolls...

(OP reports sagefag)

Troll: lol im not going away until this shit is dead (User has been banned for this post.)

by asdfzxc September 11, 2011

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

my internet connection


My internet connection is trash

by Sanguine Pendulum January 31, 2018

479πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Internet Mafia CAPO

CAPO = Communist Agent Provocateurs Online

agent provocateur/ˌaΚ’Ι’Μƒ prΙ™ΛŒvΙ’kΙ™ΛˆtΙ™ /Learn to pronounce noun

a person who induces others to be violent or commit an illegal act in order to incriminate them or discredit a cause" you people will start fighting amongst yourselves, not realizing that some agent provocateur is behind this"

Similar to the 50 Cent Party, The Internet Mafia CAPO's are paid to disrupt online Ethnic Nationalist platforms by impersonating nationalists while posting hate speech.

The fifty Cent Party, also known as the fifty Cent Army or wumao, are Internet commentators who are paid by the authorities of the People's Republic of China to spread the propaganda of the governing Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

The name is derived from the fact that such commentators are paid RMBΒ₯0.50 for every post. These commentators create comments or articles on popular Chinese social media networks that are intended to derail discussions which are critical of the CCP, promoting narratives that serve the government's interests and insulting or spreading misinformation about political opponents of the Chinese government, both domestic and abroad

The CAPO's are usually high school or college kids who are involved with leftist groups like ANTIFA or BLM, they're really nothing more than keyboard activists who are sometimes paid a small fee every time they cause mischief online

This is PSYOPS 101

What's with all the hate filled racist posts, that person must be a CAPO!

Beware The Internet Mafia CAPO's!

The Internet Mafia CAPO's are at it again, promoting hate online!

by Research Assistant March 28, 2023