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shit shout

Driving around yelling curse words at random people to see their funny expression on their face.

Michael stuck his head out of the passenger window and shit shouted a group of black people. The group of black people all gave Michael the middle finger.

by Purple City Bird Gang May 24, 2008

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When you take a shit so long that it reaches the bottom of the toilet bowl while still attached to your butt.

Horace: Dude, what took you so long in there?

Boris: Sorry man, I was anchored to the toilet by my shit.

Horace: Damn, I hate anchor-shits.

by gpc March 6, 2008

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Moon Shit

You know, when you have to take a dump really bad and you just barely make it to the toilet; pulling your pants down and there is no sit and wait, rather there is an immediate discharge of a giant ball of feces much like the shape of the moon including detailed craters.

We heard Johny in the bathroom, there was but one grunt and an incredibly loud audible plop. Thinking it was cool he said, "Dudes, I just took a moon shit!"

by XJ45-2 February 1, 2011

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Spinning shit

Term coined by UFC fighter Nick Diaz for martial arts techniques that involve spinning your body, such as the "spinning back fist" or "spinning back kick".

"I can't believe that spinning shit landed."

by m8696m8696 September 28, 2015

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shit blizzard

A somewhat rare and ghastly occurance where the forces of nature collide at high pressure, collaborating a chain reaction of shit.

A series of bad things that happen in a very rapid, sometimes simultaneous, manner.

Jim Lahey: Feel that?
Randy: Feel what, Mr. Lahey?
Jim Lahey: The way the shit clings to the air, Randy...
Randy: Shit clings to the air?
Jim Lahey: It's already started, my dear good friend.
Randy: What's started, Mr Lahey?
Jim Lahey: The shit blizzard

by shit blizzard December 14, 2017

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To eat so much that you have to drop a load and while you are on the toilet you keep eating causeing yourself to have to continuousley take a shit. It is most commonly lnked to depression

CAUTION: Rotary-shitting can lead to obessedy and constipation

When my girlfriend lucy broke up with me I was on the toilet for six hours rotary-shitting

by Kid Cardashian November 7, 2010

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That shit slaps

When the song or album is really good.

Deriving from when people used to โ€œslapโ€ in their cassettes.

Play that one album by N.W.A., that shit slaps!

Did you hear that new song she just released? That shit slaps!

by Lotsofur August 20, 2020

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