A mf that drives a green grandma vehicle and occasionally runs into burning buildings to save puppies
That mf maple is one real ass mf, I saw her run into a burning building and come out with 3 puppies in her arms, and one was pregnant!"
An endearing, self-confidence-reducing term to be used when you have well and truly be fucked in the arse but a section of the powerlines track (Perth, WA). Usually consists of one: an overconfident 4x4 driver, two: a Land Rover Discovery, Three: a water crossing, and Four: a malfunctioning center differential.
A main situation timeline for the term "Done a Real Plonker" to be used is as such. See's water crossing, aims, drives through, bogs, sinks, floods car, gets towed out because, land rover..
Third Person "That guy Austin sure done a real plonker on himself driving like that in rear-wheel drive"
First Person "Ah fuck I've done a real plonker, this is the lowest point of my life and now my girlfriend is gonna leave me and get stuck in the washing machine with her step brother nearby"
A rule in writing that says that if something happens to a character that would kill them in real life, they die. exceptions are present, such as if they have healing powers or something happens to resurrect or save them legitimately. usually, this rule is abandoned in favor of a much more fan-pleasing rule, "if you didn't see the body, they are not dead. "
"wait, did that guy really die? he only fell off the roof."
"Death=Real Death, dude. sorry"
bro youre pretty real life swag
thanks bro you too
A sentence referring to the movie "The Matrix" in which 99% of the population unknowingly lives in a simulation. In the simulation, certain people learned that that world isn't real and so, if they believe hard enough can bend it to their will. An example of this in the movie is a child saying "The spoon isn't real" whilst bending a spoon with her mind without touching it. This phrase is sometimes used when doing something hard and thinking that if you believe hard enough, you can make it.
Jason had to hit a bowling pin with a football 20 meters away. He kept saying to himself "The spoon isn't real, the spoon isn't real" hoping it would help him hit the bowling pin.
Term used often in Chicago for some one who is exposed for not being as hard or as cool as they made them selves seem to be.
This man is always on Twitter saying he's bout that life, then when you see him in person he's a real life goofy
it's like a feelings meeting, but harsher and more direct
Let's have a real talk conversation