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Super team slag

A Super team slag is someone who plays as the best football team in video games all the time. It has come about mainly due to pro evolution soccer 4 on xbox live, where all the schlaaagggggssss always go Real Madrid, Inter etc. They often know very little about football and variety is never on their mind. Shhhlllaaaaaaaaags are being rejected by modern society however. A wonderful counter-attack has been invented by the infamous SteveUK007 (who is a super spam slag but thats another story). Basically you pick the same side as the slag and the same kit. As a result the game will be practically unplayable and the slag will leave crying to his mummy.

Elwapo is such a super team slag.

Maybe one day i'll play a team other than Real Madrid...

by JackBauer87 October 15, 2005

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hostage rescue team

when rescuing ones friend from a situation in which he has been compromised by a group of fat, undesirable, abrasive or ugly women.

"fuck! we've got a H.R.T (hostage rescue team) situation, Sam's been cornered by that fat shit-minge slosh-pot emma!!"

by boris the blade licker November 19, 2008

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Amherst Football Team

The team that thinks they can do good, but then when the game actually comes up, they bomb it and blow a 30 to 12 lead, but then the tides turn and then the score becomes 30 to 45 and they Amherst Football team ends up with an L.

Amherst Football team: Alright boys u ready for the big game, YEAH!!
Game score: 35 to 1, Amherst leads.
Third quarter:35 to 200
Amherst Football team: WE LOST, BUT WERE SO GOOD THO!
"school kids make jokes about Amherst Football team being good"
Amherst Football team: TRIGGERED!!!!!!!!

by gWRIOL November 14, 2018

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Nathanโ€™s ultimate team

Normally run by a scuba diver named champ bailey who tends to be a pro at it. He usually minipulates the defense and makes it very bad. For the offense there is John Elway๐Ÿ˜ฌ he is a scary quarterback and u would never want to meet a man as fricky as him! Overall the madden squad can be described in 2 words SCUBA DIVERS and you would never want to play with them for the sake of your life. Donโ€™t come near them!

Scuba Squad, more like Nathanโ€™s Ultimate Team

by Hummerboyditya119 March 10, 2019

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Team Azteca 96

Ark Survival Evolvedโ€™s Finest Mexican Men AKA The Best Tribe/Center on ARK PULL UP 96 OK?

I Love Team Azteca 96 OP

by qbeb October 15, 2021

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tag team texting

when you have your friends help you with the science of texting when you dont know exactly what to say to a girl. This does not apply to douches, or smooth guys.

-FUCK MAN! I don't really know what to say to this girl.. I don't want to say something that could ruin it. Tag team texting?
-Tag me in!

by STEFAANN November 1, 2010

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Team New Zealand

The holy grail of New Zealand's yachting elite in 1995, bringing home the Americas Cup to Auckland, then sucessfully defending it in the year 2000.

"The Americas Cup is NOW New Zealand's Cup" - Pete Montgomery - commentating for Team New Zealand

by MRasdafasd July 12, 2008

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