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Kentucky Plug

1. *Sex position* The act of insertion of one's thumb into any sexually stimulating orifice of one's sexual partner during intercourse, similar to a "wet willy".
2. *Personal first aid* The act of inserting ones thumb into a fatal wound to stem the flow of blood long enough to reach medical professionals.
Coined by YouTuber Brandon Herrera for his friend Scott from the popular Gun-centric YouTube channel, "Kentucky Ballistics", where during a video shoot, his rifle exploded, lacerating his jugular and forcing him to stick his thumb into the wound.

Damn, she was getting real squirmy, so I decided to stick her with the Kentucky Plug

He was gushing all over the place and the ambulance was 5 minutes away, so I had to hit him with a good 'ole Kentucky Plug

by ColdFire-Blitz May 21, 2021

Kentucky plug

A sex position in wich you are penetrating your partner while havin a thumb up her ass

She's getting the Kentucky plug tonight

by M000000ie May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

The act of shoving your thumb in your significant other's chest, and vagina; Imitating Scott from Kentucky Ballistics' .50 BMG slap round incident.

"Hey babe, I'm gonna give you the Kentucky Plug tonight"

by May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

The use of ones thumb to cause insane amounts of pleasure for your female partner but inserting it into her vagina.

Hey baby, your getting the “Kentucky plugtonight!

by Mypseudnoym May 20, 2021

Kentucky plug

A sex position in which oral sex is conducted with a thumb instead of a penis.

I gave her the Kentucky plug last night, just put a thumb in it

by quack_waffle May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

When have sex with your partner you shove your thumb into the nearest hole like their life depends on it.

Bro, we were going hard then I gave her the "Kentucky Plug" and she almost fainted.

by KoseiArmour May 21, 2021

Kentucky Plug

The Kentucky Plug is a sex position where the dominating partner puts his thumb in a non natural hole during the act: Stoma, open wounds, etc. This of course refers to Kentucky Ballistics and the 50 Cal SLAP round interesting where he was required to stuff his thumb in his neck to stop the bleeding.

Verb: Johnny was hitting it from the front when he Kentucky Plugged Charyl's Stoma.

Noun: He nicked an artery after giving me a kentucky plug.

by PseUdonyM...(Nobody will have) May 20, 2021