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A woman who has an unnatractive pussy and large labia.

When she sits on your face she covers it like the face hugger in the film alien

Google face hugger for images.

That girl last night was gorgeous but she had a scary face-hugger.

by xJo. November 27, 2007

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Sound Face

Another name for the electronic jam band Sound Tribe Sector 9. Usually used in a mocking fashion and despised by most fans.

That sound face crowd is nothing but a bunch dready wooks who live for the untz.

by brahsef January 28, 2008

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gerbil face

Person with fat cheeks like a gerbil, and messed up teeth.

Eww, Christine is a total gerbil face, just look at her teeth!

by 1412 January 12, 2008

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niggie face

1. one whose face is black.
2. an idiot.

1. Man did you see that niggie face?!
2. "Well no shit niggie face i think we all knew that."

by tim3253265 July 12, 2006

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Own Face

To own (or pwn)in a very amazing way

Coach: If you guys own face out there, we'll win.
Player: Own face?
Coach: Yeah

by JD Costantini March 15, 2008

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rat faced

1.To get so drunk that you are past the point of rat arsed, and begin to resemble a rat. ie. sniffing around on the floor, and lieing on the floor.

2.Exclamation of desire to have a good night.

1.Woah did you see Sam last night?
Yeh he was totally rat faced wasn't he!

2.I am going to get so rat faced tonight!!

by cornishsailor November 9, 2009

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Curry Face

'Curry Face' is the term given to the act of forcefully pushing someone's face into a plate of curry before they have time to react. Traditionally this is done moments after the curry has been served preserving as much heat as possible.

The person executing this manoevure must quickly push the persons face down from behind their head while shouting "Curry Face".
Occasionally this is followed by a pigeon slap and the throwing of beer over the victims face.

"Mate, Mike asked me to buy his bass the other day so I Curry Faced him. It was jokes"

by Toothless Jester December 5, 2008

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