Source Code

Taking out the trash

Jumping out a window.

I think I'm gonna be taking out the trash.

by The Killer Burger July 13, 2017

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white trash face

A term describing a face that has been ravaged by poor nutrition, smoking, alcohol abuse, and a general lack of hygeine. Commonly seen in low-income areas throughout the world. Major features often include "smoker's lines," beady eyes, stringy hair, and thin lips.

Sufferers are commonly seen using child support to buy cigarettes, working the checkout lane at 10 pm, and flipping out at walmart.

A step down from meth face.

Dude, ever since your girlfriend lost all her teeth, she's got total white trash face.

I know man, I don't know why I had seven kids with her.

by Frankie Cocke May 16, 2011

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Snow white trash

White trash from Canada.

Did you see that drunken mountie?
He's snow white trash!

by Nick Ortiz February 24, 2005

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white trash hot

A white female who possesses some or all the characteristics and attributes of white trash yet is deemed attractive by those who are not white trash themselves.

She is white trash hot.

Britanny Murphy
Megan Fox
Jamie Pressly

by sword_ June 16, 2008

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trash fire

Completely butt ugly person you regret ever talking to

Wow that girl last night was a complete trash fire I have no idea what I was thinking

by Mazr rakim August 21, 2015

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trailer trash goth

A wannabe goth, who doesn't actually succeed at the "goth" look and ends up looking like trailer trash.

Usually seen wearing wide Hot Topic pants with neon stitching and chains random intervals placed around the waist (1), some form of black band shirt (2), fingerless black gloves, orange flip flips or black platform boots. They are also usually fat, ugly, have horribly died pink or blue hair, a pus-filled acne face, and very badly applied eyeliner(3).

Other optional instructions to obtain the look: Don't shower. Try to make your body odor as sickening as possible.

This look is very difficult to maintain if you actually look in the mirror before leaving the house.

Trailer Trash Goths are otherwise known as "kindergoths" or "mallgoths."

(1) Pants occasionally high-waters, or "flooding," especially when worn with the platform boots.
(2) The Strokes, the Ramones, etc.
(3) The eyeliner is optional, but if it is worn, it must be in excess and incredibly smudged. If some sort of design around the eye is attempted with said eyleiner, such as tear drops or aesthetic curls, the proper tools must NEVER, EVER be used, and the eyeliner pencil must ALWAYS be extremely blunt. The design MUST always look a two year old scribbled across the goth's face while he/she was asleep.

When in the mall: "OH MY GOD, I see a large black trench-coat and torn fishnets under those high-water Hot Topic pants! Trailer trash goth alert. Steer clear, repeat, steer clear."


"No, we can't eat at the foodcourt. It's right next to the Hot Topic--if we go there we'll never be able to get the trailer trash goth stench out of our cute/fashionable/real goth/preppy/designer clothes.

by Neda April 30, 2005

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white trash casual

This is when a guy wears shoes/boots, jeans, and no shirt to avoid a farmer tan - he's no dumb farmer and when a girl wears crappy flip flops, cut off denim shorts, and a too tight/unflattering t-shirt - she's no hoochie who wears a tube top. This look can often be seen more frequently in the city streets than in rural trailer parks. Going formal is putting on any shirt for the guy and a hoodie for the girl.

As he drove through the south part of the city, Theo new that in order to avoid getting harassed by the locals he must take off his shirt while driving in order to appear as white trash casual as he could since he was driving a new Hyundai.

by von groovy August 30, 2017