“Hey, you are ugly!”~ Kyle
“ who me ?” ~ me
“ yes, horrifyingly ugly! ”~ Kyle
“Go fuck yourself, Kyle!”~ me
“No, you should go fuck yourself because nobody else will!” ~Kyle
“ That hurts, really, really hurts. I am now bruised by your words.”~ me
“ I am sorry, it’s just been a rough week down in the city. Steve got the promotion to assistant t the regional manger and I guess I feel bummed out. I never meant to take it out on you. Please, oh please I beg of you, forgive me?!”~ Kyle
“ Go suck my left nut! I don’t need this kind of bullshit in my life. You’ve treated me like dirt ever since you got that job a Dunder Muffin. Sucking and eating your boss’s ass like chocolate Frosted cake. I am leaving you and taking Tyler and Donna with me. I already backed our bags. Don’t come looking for us! Goodbye, Kyle.” ~me
“No, please don’t! I am a changed man now! You can’t take my life away just like that. No you can’t! I am a changed man, please don’t leave!”~Kyle
“ It is over Kyle. I no longer need you or the damages you brought to this family.”~ me
“ whatever, so long you ugly, bitch. Oh, I mean dog. And I - oop.”~ Kyle
can apply to all things/people excluding Cameron Scobie
You can’t be ugly your name is scoobs
It means that one's looks doesn't conform to the society's definition of pretty or attractive and even average-looking.
"people in school always told me I was ugly"
a word to describe your trick friends' attitude.
'girl, she better check that ugly tude.